Saturday, December 13, 2014

Day Three

As with yesterday, the day started with much lethargy at around 10:00, followed by idly sidling around on Facebook for a few hours.  Concluding that, I went out into town for a meal and to cash a check, meagre as it was.  The meal was, for the most part, uneventful, if delicious.

Heading back to my aging car, I was accosted by a homeless man, one of a peculiar grey skin colour, and, amidst his insane ramblings, he folded a crumpled half-sheet of paper into my hand.  Much of the paper was, like his speech, mostly incomprehensible, however two phrases struck me off-guard. The first clause was "don't be merry, man," and the second was "this is not a blog," both from which I could derive little meaning.  The first one, though, seems to suggest some vague sense of horror in regards to the upcoming holiday; perhaps some strange apparitions played their awful games upon the man's feeble mind.  As for the second, I have little idea as to what it could mean.

Another odd occurrence was that the business man from the previous two days was absent from his usual location.  Then again, it is Saturday, and as such, he probably had the weekend off from work.

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