Saturday, December 20, 2014

Day Ten

Today started with more energy than usual at roughly the usual time of 10:00.  Browsing Facebook and other sites for an hour or two, I resolved to finally finish shopping for gifts for the upcoming holiday.  Several hours were spent driving in midday traffic as I raced throughout the streets and stores in an attempt to find the best gifts for my family and friends.

Outside one of the stores stood a haggard, dismally poor old man who on a quick glance appeared to not have eyes.  He held in his weathered hands a thick book of some sort, but I was much too busy to stop to chat with him.  I heard him say "don't be smiling, man" to another passer-by, and for a second I thought he was the madman from several days ago who handed me the rambling half-sheet of paper.  However, I was in quite a hurry, and so gave it little to no thought.

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